Bakersfield Swap Meet
by Willy Vinton
We had a great trip to Bakersfield, CA for the annual Brass Era swap meet. There were lots of unique things there, but not some of the obscure parts we were looking for. At right is one of those things that if you just knew what it was, you would not be able to live without it! If you have an idea as to what it is, let me know and I will make sure you get a free day pass to the museum...
You want me to look through this entire pile???????
Tim did get to see a lot of really cool parts sources, and some that he wondered about a little. This was the first swap meet for our wives, Wilma and Barb, but Tim and I could not keep up with them. They outspent us, and it seems like we were always wondering where they were. They didn't miss a vendor that had any clothing-related items.