Of all the events happening in Fairbanks Friday, February 12, I made the great choice to attend Dancing with Cars at the Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum. There was quite a diverse crowd – I would guess around 250 people. It didn’t feel crowded because the museum is so big and there is so much to see that people were spread all over the place. You could actually move from area to area and visit with folks without hitting elbows. Except of course, there was always a line for the great food (can you say seconds and thirds?). My big favorites were the Marinated Beef Kabobs (which melted in your mouth) and the Salmon Sliders.
The historic 1905 Bobby Sheldon car, on loan from the Museum of the North, had just been installed and was quite a hit. The story of the Sheldon car is one you’ll want to ask about when you are at the Auto Museum.
One of the neatest happenings of the evening was a demo show by Street Beat. What a dynamic and fun group! The Fairbanks Concert Association brought them to Fairbanks. I imagine there were many folks that showed up at Hering Auditorium for their full performance on Saturday. Street Beat got the juices flowing for everyone to then enjoy their own dancing to the sounds of the Damian Martin Quintet.
I was tired and had planned to make it an early night but the “buzz” and excitement at Dancing with Cars perked me right up! I hope it will be an annual Fairbanks event!
Buzzy Chiu, General Manager