While visiting with Allan and Beth Schmidt at their restoration facility in Escondido, CA last week, Wilma and I had the honor of being invited to attend a monthly gathering of great minds that has been ongoing for many years. Allan and Beth have been hosting a dinner and open meeting at the restoration shop every 1st Tuesday of the month. Folks come from all over the country to attend these get-togethers, and if one could only capture the knowledge and experience that was there we could fill several books. In the foreground is our Rochester steam car project we laid out for folks to see and comment on. It got lots of attention, as there were a few steam guys there.
Beth and Wilma spent the day cooking up a storm, and we had a great dinner that consisted of a large roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, gravy and fresh dinner rolls, followed by a great dessert. We had planned on leaving there on Monday, but decided to stay for this gathering and left on Wednesday instead. It was worth it to meet these folks and gain a little more knowledge as well.