We are happy to report that we just received one of the original Tom Gibson Stage Line vehicles that was used to transport passengers along the Valdez-Fairbanks Trail. It's a 1916 Dodge touring car that is still in its original, unrestored condition. It is being generously loaned to the Museum by the owners, Don and Ray Cameron and David Stone, of Ester AK. The engine is currently out and being rebuilt and will be installed this fall. Our goal is to have the car back in operable condition by the spring of 2010.
It is great to see some of the accessories that were added to the car to adapt it to the needs of the time, such as a luggage rack on the rear, tie downs under the running boards, and spacers under the front springs to provide more body ground clearance.
This car is a great piece of Alaska history and can now be enjoyed by all who come to visit. If you know the whereabouts of any cars that came to Alaska prior to 1940, please let us know!